Saturday, 27 December 2008

Well that's the excesses over with for another year, what a relief not to have to sit infront of the telly all day in between eating a lot. The boys were terribly civilised and woke up at 8 when we had stocking's in bed - Finlay surmised that I couldn't have been "very good" as Santa only brought me some highlighter pens....I then nearly caused mass fall out by insisting I go to church - they were all a bit caught out - as I wasn't insisting they come with me! -so with much nashing of teeth I ended up with a car -ful and a hearty hour of lusty carol singing amazingly DIDNT kill anyone. I got the turkey lurkey in and everything went completely smoothly, I over cooked the sprouts and forgot about the parsnips as they were taking forever to raost - so we had a third course of beautifully goose fat roasty toasty roots - which left everyone farting throughout Dr Who. No one was fit for pudding for about 6 hours, and in between times we left my brother in law snoring and embarked on a bit of fresh air -with all shapes and sizes, hats, coats, scarves, Christmas antlers, 7 dogs, 5 kids and a pony striding along the main road up the forest we met 3 cars and they were forced to pull over to let us pass -We looked like a protest march. We made our way down by the river and into the big field where the pony took one look at the wide open space and following a way too enthusiastic "YeeHaa" from Hedge,did a fantastic rodeo turn and took off, dumping Archie in the process.
To get bucked off on Christmas day - in front of a large crowd - (thanks to his father!) -did nothing for good relations all round -Archie, stood up wailing that he couldn't breathe then stomped off in an uber tante (Oh how I saw myself in him again!) Fergus and Rory who were being all cool teenagers were momentarily transported back to awe struck small boys with wide eyes and open mouths and Hannah - the only girl amongst the throng bravely clambered back onto Chesters back and walked sedately home.
Yesterday I photographed 5 families -2 of whom have not been together for 2 years due to grown up children travelling and working abroad, it was lovely and exciting to be able to talk about the project with at least it's financial future mapped out. We have meetings booked this week and next to try and chart some progress.

The Farm Shop have just phoned to say Fergus is supposed to be working at 12 noon (he's in Banchory and I dont have a phone number for him) so -he's definitely "back in the bad books", he's supposed to be washing dishes there, and seems to turn up when he feels like it - or as long as it doesn't interfere with his social diary, little monkey then leaves me in the lurch to do the explaining to his boss who's busy saying it doesn't matter a bit, when infact we both know dam well it does!!
Its only Archie and I at home today and I had better go and spend some time with him. I need to get him back on board that pony before he finds anymore excuses -Kung Fu Panda being one of them....

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